Real Madrid signs Thunder forward Ibaka


MADRID, Spain — Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka has signed a two-month deal to play for Real Madrid while the NBA lockout continues.

The six-foot-10 Ibaka will join the Spanish club immediately, filling in for the injured Novicka Velickovic.

Ibaka has averaged 8.2 points, 6.6 rebounds and 1.9 blocked shots in two seasons for the Thunder. He previously played for Spanish clubs L’Hospitalet and Ricoh Manresa before moving to the NBA in 2009.

He is the second NBA player to join Madrid after Dallas Mavericks guard Rudy Fernandez.

Ibaka was born in the Republic of Congo, but also holds Spanish citizenship and helped Spain win the European Championship in September.

Madrid’s next league game is Sunday against Gran Canaria.

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