Lou Williams: Raptors’ DeRozan is ‘coolest person in the world’

Lou Williams and his favourite teammate, DeMar DeRozan

Lou Williams spent just one season in Toronto but made the most of his brief but memorable Raptors tenure.

Williams won the Sixth Man of the Year award in 2015 after averaging 15.5 points per game off the bench. His isolation style of play was the vogue for the Raptors at the time but provided several exciting moments and offered a sense of confidence that the team needed as they continued to work their way from surprise playoff team to perennial East contender.

He also hit a few buzzer beaters, like this one:

The Lou Williams era, while short, was a fun ride.

Turns out the experience is remembered fondly by Williams himself, who spoke highly of a pair of former Raptor teammates during an interview with GQ. When asked about his favourite teammate throughout his 13 years in the NBA, Williams cites DeMar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry — and gives DeRozan a ringing endorsement in the process:

GQ: You’ve played on a bunch of teams throughout your career. Who is your favorite teammate?

Lou: “DeMar DeRozan. He’s the coolest person in the world—the most down-to-earth and supportive teammate I’ve had in my career.

“I was at a bit of a crossroads in my career when I came to Toronto. DeMar and Kyle [Lowry] were the people that really lifted me up. I respect them for that.”

Williams has since gone on to find a valuable role as a primary scoring option for the Los Angeles Lakers and, this season, the Clippers, where he’s enjoyed a breakout season and signed a three-year $24 million extension.


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