Vancouver, Calgary mayors make friendly bet

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, left, teases Calgary Mayor Naheed Neshi at the annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities meeting in Halifax on Thursday, June 2, 2011. The mayors were showing their support for the Vancouver Canucks as they play for the Stanley Cup. (Andrew Vaughan/CP)

CALGARY — Purple prose may be the ultimate winner in a bet between Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson as the Flames meet the Canucks in the first round of the NHL playoffs.

Nenshi went to Twitter to ask for ideas on what he should wager, given that he’s not a big fan of salmon and Robertson doesn’t like beef.

It’s been decided that the losing mayor will wear the winning city’s jersey and donate just over two kilograms of food to the local food bank for every goal scored.

The loser must also recite a short poem about the victor’s city.

It’s the first time the Flames have made it to the playoffs since Nenshi took office and he says he wants to make the most of it.

He says he has been working on a number of poems he will expect Robertson to recite.

"I will share with you my first of many poems I think I will come up with in the haiku form," Nenshi said Wednesday.

"The brothers Sedin/Lululemon underwear/Not good for hockey."

Nenshi said Calgary has traditionally made it to the Stanley Cup the "hardest way possible" but he expects an easier road this time with a series victory in five games.

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