Ask the Insider: Who does Dillashaw fight next?

TJ Dillashaw. (Jeff Chiu/AP)

UFC bantamweight champion T.J. Dillashaw’s upset victory over Renan Barao continues to send ripples across the MMA world.

I don’t believe he will get a rematch. I believe Raphael Assuncao will be first in line to take on Dillashaw, but if the UFC sees more dollar signs with Barao instead, they will give him another shot. Then again, they could give Barao another top contender in hopes that both he and Dillashaw emerge victorious, setting up a highly touted rematch down the road.

I have yet to engage in the Faber-Dillashaw conversation … until now. It’s a moot point in my opinion, unless they agree to put their friendship aside and take one for the team. I’m not a proponent of this, but the UFC is. So while I do not believe it will take place, I’ll still be paying close attention to this story as it develops. You never know, right — where there’s smoke, there’s fire, especially considering neither guy told me they wouldn’t do it.

With Dillashaw getting married shortly, my calculations see him ready to get back in the gym by early July. That gives him a potential 10-week training camp to headline the UFC 178 pay-per-view in Toronto. Makes sense to me.

To replicate what Matt Brown did over Erick Silva is next to impossible. To do it against Robbie Lawler is even harder to achieve. If anyone can do it, however, Brown can. If he does, I’m asking him to give me six to seven random numbers between one and 49. I’ll be at a convenience store when he replies.

First thing’s first, it’s not official, despite Dana White throwing it out there yesterday. The stars all need to align, and how many times have we seen things change in the eyes of the UFC. With that being said if Lawler does beat Brown, it’s hard to argue he doesn’t deserve the rematch with Hendricks. But what if the UFC and the fan base want to see new blood for Bigg Rigg? What if Rory MacDonald or Tyron Woodley smashes the other like Dillashaw did to Barao, or how Daniel Cormier did to Dan Henderson? If it’s MacDonald, Lalwler can argue that he’s already defeated the Canadian. See where I’m going here? Lots of variables. Lots of stars. Many of them need to align (and take place) first.

Based on White’s theory yesterday, the winner will take on the victor between Hector Lombard and Dong Hyun Kim. That’s a step back in my opinion, but it’s not my promotion. If it makes sense to their business, then so be it. I won’t lose sleep over it, especially considering the fighters have to stay busy and may not want to sit on the shelf when they could be making money competing.

I believe Cormier should be added to the same card as Jones-Gustafsson just in case either is forced to withdraw. Plus if the plans actually work out, you could have one storyline that features Jones and Cormier winning, and one heck of a way to begin selling a matchup between the two. Then again it’s entirely possible neither Jones or Cormier win. Plus, who’s to say Jones wouldn’t get a rematch with Gustafsson should there be a controversial decision?

Henderson stated he would likely return to the middleweight division. Seeing as how Ronaldo Jacare Souza does not have an opponent, I’d like to see that bout put together.

Yes, I believe they can. And they can do a lot more. Stay tuned.

From Facebook

Daniel Marzec: With fighters coming from specialized backgrounds like wrestling or boxing etc., how far will being top level at that one dimension take them in organizations such as the UFC. For Brock Lesnar it took him to the title. But is that possible for other fighters?

Lesnar was a special beast, especially considering he was such a massive heavyweight competing in a division that simply does not have the depth of others. Anything can happen, but nowadays at the elite level of MMA you need to be well-rounded. Look at Cormier, who is a former Olympian. He used his knowledge of striking offence and defence to get multiple takedowns on Henderson, and his skills in ground and pound and submission to get the finish. Those are not techniques he learned while wrestling, even at the highest of levels. Without them he would not be where he is today and wouldn’t have a perfect 15-0 record.

Shawn Gagnon: Joe, I’m wondering why Sarah Kaufman turned down the fight with Sara McMann? It seems like if Kaufman wants to get closer to a title shot that would be a good fight for her to take, don’t you think?

I believe you are correct, but I believe there is some method to Kaufman’s madness. How it will unfold for her remains to be seen, but she sure is stirring the pot lately. I like it.

Craig Sheppard: Is there any truth to Joe Rogan having a fight in the UFC?

As of today, I’ll give it 1 percent.

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