Ex-Rugby Canada head Brown becomes CIS CEO

Graham Brown is the new CEO of CIS, and explains that his biggest challenge will be to build on the good standing CIS already has and create some buzz.

TORONTO – Pledging to grow Canadian university sports, Graham Brown was introduced Thursday as CEO of Canadian Interuniversity Sport.

"My goal is to make CIS more relevant in a crowded Canadian sport marketplace," Brown said in a statement. "I believe interuniversity sport, so rich in tradition rivalry, has tremendous potential for growth in Canada.

"I can’t wait to help reintroduce the stories of our amazing student athletes to Canadian sports fans."

Rugby Canada announced in late August that Brown was leaving his role as CEO after 13 years. The 45-year-old Brown plans to step down after the conclusion of Canada’s campaign at the Rugby World Cup, which starts Sept. 18 in Britain.

A founding member of the University of Windsor rugby program in 1989, Brown also played varsity basketball and football with the Lancers.

"Graham Brown has a track record of bringing a professional approach to amateur sports — sports like rugby and hockey — that are flourishing as a result," said Mike Mahon, chair of the CIS Interuniversity Sport board of directors as well as president and vice-chancellor of the University of Lethbridge.

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